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Every morning, before you start your day to the office you have to keep in mind two things.  Which ones? Your breakfast and your around-the-day-snacks.

  •  Concern #1: Do not leave your house if you have not had the most important meal of the day.

 “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”

A wise saying, but misinterpreted.


Try to avoid fried bacon, sausages and pancakes smothered in tons of sugar syrups. I know… they are delicious, but low in nutrients and full of “bad” calories, you can afford to spare.

Just wake up 15 minutes earlier and allow yourself to enjoy a healthy breakfast.


Here are some ideal king-breakfast-choices for starting up your day:


A bowl of cereal with milk and a sliced banana




A bowl of Greek yoghurt and oats with 2-3 tbsp of honey


A toast with cheese or jam and a glass of orange juice


A hard-boiled egg and a slice of whole grain bread


A bowl of porridge with fruits, cinnamon and honey


A slice of bread with peanut butter with a banana or an apple


A bowl of strawberries and an omelette 




Remember that your system needs energy to meet the demands of the day.


  • Concern #2: Choose the right snack.


A healthy snack is a valuable source of energy for the body and brain, it will not let our metabolism “go to sleep” during the main meals and will help against cravings.


Stop eating unhealthy snacks, chocolates, chips and highly processed foods. This way you will save many calories and at the same time will take care of your health.

When it comes to healthy eating though, most of us run out of ideas…


Problem solved!

We have found perfectly healthy snacks, you can easily carry with you.


Sweet or Salty?

Luckily the choices are plenty to satisfy all tastes.

Cream crackers with jam or honey


Fruits, such as bananas, apples, pears - grapes, strawberries, peaches


Yogurt with honey or fruits



Dried nuts such as unsalted almonds and walnuts


Dried fruits such as papaya, figs and plums


Whole grain crackers


Cereal bars with dried fruits or dark chocolate


Homemade vegetables or fruit smoothies



Mini low fat cheese sandwiches, with a slice of smoked turkey and cucumber


Two slices of whole grain bread with cottage cheese


Cream crackers with cheese and cherry tomatoes


Fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers peppers, carrots with Greek tzatziki dip (see how make it yourself here)

Body weight adjustment depends on the total daily caloric intake and the frequency of meals.

Specifically, those who consume small and frequent meals tend to have a consistently lower body weight, compared to those who leave their stomach empty for more than 3 hours.

What are you waiting for?

Change your eating habits, stay healthy and lose weight without starving.