
Can our diet help us fight the symptoms of asthma? Experts have not yet reached an absolute conclusion, but there are several signs indicating that this may be the case. Surely, there are no foods that will "cure" the disease, but they can help manage the symptoms better and take care of our lung health.



A British study showed that people who eat two to five apples a week are 32% less likely to suffer from asthma. It is believed that apple flavonoids are responsible for this beneficial effect.



Rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant action, melon can protect us by destroying free radicals that cause damage to the lungs. Other fruits and vegetables with large amounts of vitamin C are citrus, tomatoes, broccoli and kiwi.



Carrots contain the anti-oxidant b-carotene, which in the body is converted to vitamin A. This can reduce asthma caused when we exercise. In addition, it ensures the good health of our eyes and our immune system.



A collective study of previous researches has shown that caffeine can help the airways function well for at least four hours after consuming it. If you do not like coffee, you can try black tea.



Linseed is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. Omega-3, which is also found in salmon, can positively affect asthma. Of course, more studies are needed to come up, in order to draw absolute conclusions. Additionally, magnesium relaxes the muscles around the bronchus, keeping the airways open and functional.



Another reason to love the garlic and give it the place it deserves in our everyday life; it has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains alginic acid, a very powerful anti-oxidant, which gives the garlic its distinctive aroma. When absorbed by the body, it produces an acid that destroys free radicals, and it is believed that one of its actions is to help with the symptoms of asthma, among its other beneficial properties.



Avocados contain an antioxidant called glutathione, and it is believed to help effectively manage the symptoms of asthma. But beyond that, we know very well that avocados are among the best sources of monounsaturated fats-  the kind of fat our body needs.

The quality of our diet can affect our lung health, especially if it is burdened due to respiratory problems.

A balanced diet, rich in nutrients, can reduce the risk of developing a lung disease.

Instead, a poor diet can cause bronchial inflammation, allergic reactions, oxidative stress, and contribute to obesity which is an aggravating factor for the lungs.