Fatigue, tiredness, lack of energy, lassitude. There are many ways to describe these moments; the moments when we are feeling tired and unable to do anything.
Throughout our daily routines, the good scenario suggests that our body should be able to fully come back after a midday siesta or after a good night’s sleep. However, today we will examine the other scenario, when fatigue becomes persistent, happens very often and lasts long. These symptoms could signify that something more serious may be happening.
Some think that fatigue walks hand in hand with old age, but -personally- I am not mentally prepared to accept such a claim. We all get tired sometimes. Our stamina may diminish with aging. Our bodies may need more breaks. We may even get tired more easily than what we used to. All the above are normal to happen. What is not normal though, is when the feeling of tiredness prevents and blocks us from enjoying an active lifestyle.
Fatigue can affect us in a number of ways. We may feel like we have far less energy, than what is demanded for vigorous activities or exercise. We may have trouble concentrating, staying alert or remembering certain things. In time, this could make us short – tempered and gradually even socially isolated.
Not good.
If fatigue suddenly develops or becomes more frequent and severe, it could be associated with many medical conditions or changes in lifestyle and stress levels. It is vital that we ask for help and expert advice, if we notice any of the following symptoms:
You wake up exhausted, even after a good night's sleep
You do not feel motivated to start up the day
You feel unable to perform activities that you enjoy
You experience sudden exhaustion break outs that come and go
You often have breathing difficulties
Fight back.
Drink a cup of coffee. A small amount of caffeine can stimulate you.
Try a 10-15-minute walk at a steady pace.
Sleep. Studies suggest that a 30 - minute - afternoon siesta can have a positive effect by raising the body’s energy levels for the rest of the day. Just make sure it is not too late in the afternoon because it can disturb the night's sleep.
Reduce alcohol. The results will surprise you.
Arrange a medical examination in order to find out the causes of fatigue.
We do not need to accept fatigue as if it is a normal situation and allow it to become an obstacle to living life to the fullest. We have the power to change this and enjoy the life we deserve. Never underestimate the power and the impact that our choices over our overall health and well-being.
Waste no time!