First Things First: History of Greek Mountain Tea
Since antiquity, Hippocrates and later Theophrastus and Dioscouridis had focused on the healing action of the herbs. The Mountain Tea was not an exception. Greek Mountain Tea is also called Sideritis spp. In Greek, ‘sideritis’ means ‘iron’ and it is said that the name was given after the healing effect of the plant on the wounds caused by iron weapons. This knowledge is passed on through generations and today dozens of documented studies, from modern medicine and science, are confirming the health benefits of herbs.
Mountain Tea is a valuable herb that thrives on the Greek mountains. It has vitamins and therapeutic properties, that make it a good guardian for our immune system. It is also one of the few herbs that have no contradictions nor side-effects due to over consumption, making it an excellent choice to enjoy safely, in cold winter and hot summer days, warming or refreshing our body and shielding our health.
Benefits of Greek Mountain Tea
It fights hypertension and it is highly tonic. It protects against common colds, prevents fever, strengthens and stimulates the immune system, while at the same time it has anti-viral effect.
It significantly soothes problems of the respiratory system and improves cardiovascular function because it works as an anti-thrombotic.
It is rich in iron and therefore, protects us against anemia.
It stimulates gastric secretions, so it works well as a digestive. It is also ideal for treating inflammations of the stomach, intestines and the urogenital system, due to its astringent properties.
The systematic consumption of the Tea has been proved to be detoxing for several vital organs, such as the liver and kidneys. Due to its anti-oxidant action, it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Its analgesic and healing action combined with its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial action makes it ideal for washing wounds both externally and internally, as an infusion or as tincture.
Unlike the other types of common tea, it does not have stimulating action, so you can enjoy as much as you like.
New scientific studies in Germany are close to prove that the Greek Mountain Tea is protecting against Alzheimer’s.
Although this is not yet fully established, several studies have shown that the consumption of Greek Mountain Tea helps prevent osteoporosis.
Greek Mountain Tea vs Green Tea. Overrated after all?
If we compare the Greek Mountain Tea to the popular and very publicized Green Tea, certain points need to be stressed out:
Green tea is a plant which is rich in caffeine, therefore highly addictive and harmful, when consumed in large quantities. Caffeine is usually associated with coffee, but 4- 5 cups of green tea per day could lead to various health problems such as anxiety, diabetes, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, irregular heartbeat etc.
Catechins in the green tea, reduce the absorption of iron by our bodies and this can eventually lead to anemia. Its consumption along with meals should be avoided as our body may not be able to use all the nutrients from the foods we eat. This could somehow be diminished, if the foods we eat are rich in iron and vitamin C.
Green tea is known to interact with various drugs and should be avoided in certain cases, such as consuming it with stimulant drugs that speed up the functioning of the nervous system. Dizziness, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate could be some of the side effects.
Green tea supplements are commercially available. Although, the opinion of a well-appointed doctor should be taken, before their consumption, especially due to the high risk of unwanted side effects in the liver from the polyphenols, found in this tea.
Certainly, green tea is a healthy product and contains several beneficial ingredients, but it should be consumed wisely by specific groups of people.
After all, let’s not forget that the global promotional and advertising machine is in constant patrol for the “sanctification” of just another product.
Care to re-consider now what is your cup of tea?
Let’s make some tea!
The way we prepare Greek Mountain Tea is very simple, yet we need to keep in mind that it should not boil, otherwise its ingredients will be destroyed.
Warm up some water and right before it starts boiling retract it from the fire.
Add the mountain tea, leave it in for 3-5 minutes and then strain it -- a couple of tea branches are enough for one regular cup.
Here’s to your good health and well-being!
Enjoy this Wild Mountain Tea Today.
You can enjoy it hot, during cold winter days, or you can put it in the fridge and give your body a healthy refreshment boost on a warm summer day.
As a drink, it is delicious and very aromatic even plain. Alternatively, you can add:
A slice of lemon or some lemon drops
Some honey or sugar
A cinnamon stick