Did you know that sea salt has other beneficial uses apart from adding flavor to your food and maintaining fluid balance in your body? It also provides natural minerals not found in any other element. It’s not only healthy for you to consume but also used as a natural ingredient for cleaning solutions!

Cleaning your house with sea salt is a much healthier alternative to harsh chemical cleaners available in stores. It is ideal for cleaning and scrubbing off dirt because of its gritty texture. It scuffs grim easily off multiple surfaces without any elbow grease, nor does it give off any harmful aerosol smells, making it an ideal natural cleaner.

Cleaning can be tricky and unpleasant but if you use the right product, it can make all the difference in how long or how often you clean. Using natural ingredients as cleaning agents have been used since the 19th century. Since manufacturing became popular, cheaper manmade chemicals have replaced natural ingredients in cleaners for bigger profitability.

With current purchasing trends moving to more natural products, people are realizing that all the substitute chemicals are poisonous and is detrimental to your health. That’s why our tips on using sea salts to clean are ideal for anyone… so give it a try!

5 Natural Ways to Clean with Sea Salts

1. Sea Salt as Laundry Detergent

Did you know natural sea salt can help you wash your clothes better? It removes stains without high temperatures while keeping colors bright and prevent colors from bleeding onto other pieces of laundry.

2. Sea Salts as Stain Remover

Sea salts absorb liquids easily so it is ideal for removing stains. Quickly blot and absorb the liquid stain with a cloth. Once all the liquid is removed, apply a generous amount of sea salt on the stain and let it soak for 5 minutes. Add some water and vinegar to completely remove any leftover stains and continue to blot dry.

3. Sea Salts as Disinfectant

Sea salts kill germs and bacterial and can be used to disinfect cleaning items, such as, sponges or rags. Just fill a bucket and add 4 cups of sea salt, then soak the items in it overnight. 

4. Sea Salts as Cleaning Solution

You can add sea salts with other natural ingredients to create an even more powerful cleaner. Our favorite combination is using sea salts, lemon juice and vinegar. Avoid lacquered surfaces, as the salt’s texture might scratch it. Simply dampen a sponge in the cleaning solution, then add some salt to help with scrubbing. You can use it on pots, pans, grills, cabinets, etc.   

5. Sea Salts to Unclog Drains

You can unclog drains, using sea salts and adding a tablespoon of baking soda with a half cup of vinegar. Pour the mixture into your drain and leave it in for 20 minutes. Then run the water for 5 minutes to flush out the clog.

Did you ever imagine cleaning would sound kinda cool and completely natural? So many of us are used to cleaning our homes using toxic products. It’s time for healthier solutions that are natural and easy!

So next time you’re in the store, skip the harsh store bought cleaners and create you own using sea salts. Who would have thought that natural sea salts, straight from the rocky shores of Greece, would be one of our strongest allies in cleaning!

Please visit our shop for exclusive deals on sea salts and other natural products today!