Benefits of Greek Oregano Tea

Greek oregano tea has unique health benefits. The oregano, apart from the aromatic spice that we put in our food, can do wonders to our health, when used as an herb. Greece is widely known to have the best oregano grade in the world, with powerful antibacterial and antioxidant properties. There are many ways to take advantage of it. One is oregano oil and the other is to make Greek oregano tea.

Greek Oregano Tea is Medicinal

Since ancient times, Greek oregano has been used for its healing properties. Research now confirms that the nutrients contained in its decoction make oregano tea an excellent complementary drink for many reasons. Some of those many nutrients are vitamins A, C, K, along with minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium. Additional nutrients such as omega-3 and flavonoids are also abundant in its properties.


Greek Oregano Tea is a Cancer Fighting Agent

Throughout the conduct of many studies, it has been proved that some substances found in Greek oregano tea, act against cancer. One of them is phytochemical quercetin, a fiber, which does not only slow down the cancer growth, but also triggers the process of apoptosis of cancer cells.

Greek Oregano Tea is Antibacterial

A cup of Greek oregano tea will give you all the immunity you need for the day. This herb consists of oils known as thymol and carvacrol, which are known enemies of the bacteria E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Ruminococcus, Salmonella typhimurium, Fibrobacter succinogenes, and various protozoa and fungi. Oregano can easily cope with bacterial infections better than tinidazole, a well-known drug. The regular consumption of Greek oregano tea also helps to deal with any type of microbial contamination, by inhibiting their growth.

Greek Oregano Tea Contains Omega-3


Greek oregano tea, unlike other herbal infusions and decoctions, is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. It reduces inflammation by balancing cholesterol levels. It is also known to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries.

Greek Oregano Tea Improves Breathing

Greek oregano tea can be used to reduce the symptoms of an asthma attack. Inhale the oregano water vapor while the beverage is still hot, in order to help clean the nasal and respiratory tract. This method needs to be repeated at least 4-5 times a day for varying results.

Greek Oregano Tea Helps in Weight Management

Greek oregano tea is a source of fibers. A good fiber consumption helps control weight by keeping the whole body in good physical condition and also reduces the likelihood of diseases related to obesity.

Greek Oregano Tea Improves Digestion


Enjoy a cup of Greek oregano tea right after your meal for a healthy digestive system. The oils found in the oregano tea can help in both the support and the relaxation of the gastrointestinal system. Many botanists suggest a large cup of Greek oregano tea to support a good digestive function.

More Health Benefits of Greek Oregano Tea

  • Greek oregano tea will effectively aid the treatment against parasites, eczema, ear and fungal infections.

  • It will help reduce unwanted gases, gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, urinary problems.

  • It enhances the digestion of food as well as its absorption.

  • As this tea is a great source of vitamin C, it helps empower the defense mechanisms of the body.

  • An effective treatment for menstrual cramps, bloating and reduction of abdominal pain.

  • Relieves rheumatism when drinking hot oregano tea mixed with honey.

  • It acts as a sedative for the nervous system.

  • It helps for the treatment of colds, flu and mild fever.

How to Make Greek Oregano Tea

Scoop 1 tablespoon of Kardamas Greek Oregano into 1 cup of hot water that was recently boiled.


Cover the cup for about 5-10 minutes so it properly allows the Greek oregano to soak. The longer you soak it and let it seep, the stronger the flavor of oregano your tea will be. If you’re not sure on how strong you prefer, sip it every couple of minutes to get it to your preferred taste. Once you have it just the right flavor, strain it into another cup and it’s ready to drink!

You can also add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and honey for add flavor. Just remember to consume it while it's still hot to get the most out of this healthy drink!

Always keep in mind that Greek oregano tea should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it is considered to reduce iron absorption capacity. Those who are also hypersensitive to herbs from this family may experience negative symptoms such as allergic reactions, skin irritation, even vomiting. It could cause stomach upsets in some people.

You should drink Greek oregano tea at least once a day to take in its full health benefits. Greek oregano is best when consumed in the right quantities.

Take advantage of its many health benefits and shop for Kardamas Greek Oregano today!